Dr. Philipp Lehmann

Dr. Philipp Lehmann was born in Brunswick, Germany, in 1979.

Taking his Abitur at Neue Oberschule in 1999, he then completed military service (army).

In 2000 he began studying Law at Göttingen’s Georg-August-University. Meanwhile, he worked as student assistant from 2001 until 2007 and later as research assistant at the Institute for Ecclesiastical Law of the EKD. Subsequent to his first state examination he began his doctoral studies as Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Axel Frhr. von Campenhausen’s doctoral student.

As early as 2006 his first academic publication was released.

From 2007 onwards he fulfilled his academically orientated legal clerkship in Brunswick’s Higher Regional Court’s district. During that time, inter alia he worked with a business enterprise, an administration of economic management and in the trade mark unit of a major law firm in Hamburg. He eventually took his second state examination in 2009 and thereafter obtained his certificate to practice law. Thereupon, in November 2009 he joined this law firm.

In December 2009, Dr. Lehmann gained his doctorate in Göttingen under the dissertation title „Marken-, Kennzeichen- und Namensrecht im Bereich der Religionsgemeinschaften“ („trademark law, hallmark law and naming rights in the area of religious communities“).

From February 2012 to April 2019 he additionally worked as a liquidator of a former Notary Public.

Dr. Lehmann also successfully finished the theoretical element of becoming a specialist solicitor for employment law.

Dr. Lehmann has mainly been concerned with economic law since his time at university.

Nowadays his emphasis lies in the following areas:

Employment law

Business and company law

Trademark law (including naming rights, hallmark law and law of domain)

Copyright law

Competition law (law on fair traiding practices)

Internet legislation

Law of general terms and conditions

Dr. Lehmann particularly supports his clients also in contract law, in commercial and private law of tenancy as well as inheritance law.

memberships in professional associations:

Braunschweiger lawyers association e.V.

GRUR (german association for industrial property rights and copyright law e.V.)

memberships in corporate bodies:

Volksbank eG Braunschweig Wolfsburg (member of the board of representatives since 03-2014)

(Dr. Lehmann was the speaker of WJ Braunschweig (business juniors in the district of IHK Braunschweig e.V.) in 2019 and a member of the supervisory board of Eintracht Braunschweig GmbH & Co. KGaG and Eintracht Management GmbH from december 2017 to july 2021. From 01-2020 to 10-2021 was Dr. Lehmann a member of the supervisory board of the Braunschweig city hospital.)
